Impact Diagnostic and Roadmap
Impact measurement diagnosis and upgrade roadmap for your organisation or fund
What are your next steps to measuring and improving impact?
Through a relational and interactive approach, Eido’s Diagnostic and Roadmap service will help identify these key areas, offering specialised insights and strategic recommendations to enhance your impact effectiveness and sustainability.
Diagnostic Report
A concise report identifying where your organisation or fund is on its journey towards becoming impact, evidence, and learning-focused. As a result you will be able to:
Understand your evaluation and learning strengths
Identify and prioritise the most urgent areas for improvement
Roadmap Guide
A step-by-step guide on how your organisation or fund can become impact, evidence, and learning focused. As a result you will be able to:
Motivate your team in the why and how of impact measurement
Take the necessary steps to improve your impact processes
Continue on this journey independently or with Eido’s support

What is involved?
1 - Book an initial free call today: Complete the form on this page to book an initial free discussion with an impact expert
2 - Document and material review: A review all your current impact and measurement materials
3 - Key stakeholder interviews: A series of interviews with key selected stakeholders in your organisation
4 - Analysis: Analysis on both the materials and processes, as well as from the stakeholder interviews, to answer the key research questions.
5 - Write-up and presentation: Eido will write-up both documents and present them to your organisation.
Book an initial free call today!
Book an initial call today to talk through your organisation’s goals and purposes.