State of the Business As Mission Movement

Business as Mission is “a movement of businesses transforming people and nations - for God’s glory”. BAM Global serves this movement by creating intellectual and social capital, and connecting human and financial capital. Their mission is to invigorate the Business as Mission movement globally, but there is limited data on the current global reach or impact of the movement.

In April 2021, BAM Global hosted their 8-year Global Congress event. In the buildup to this event, BAM Global engaged Eido Research on some pro-bono research on the ‘State of the BAM Movement’. The goal was to understand the reach and maturity of the movement, listen to participants’ needs and pain points in order to shape the conference content, and to gain high-level insights on the social and spiritual issues being addressed by companies in the movement. Eido sent a short survey to all attendees of the event, and again afterwards as well.

The following report is a summary of the key findings from this research. There is much more that could be discussed here and there is much scope for further research on the impact of the movement, but this gives a powerful snapshot of the state of the BAM movement and baseline of impact occurring.

For more tools relating to the Kingdom impact of businesses, please see here.

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